Ishmael Means "God Hears"

Ishmael was a young man when he and his mother became lost in the unforgiving wilderness and were dying of thirst. His mother couldn't bear to hear her son's pitiful groaning and watch him die, so she removed herself to a short distance away, probably hoping that she would die first. But an angel appeared, instructing the poor, hopeless woman not to be afraid and telling her, "God has heard the boy crying as he lies there." The angel then showed her a well and so she took water to her dying child. He soon revived and went on to fulfill the prophecy that he would be great among God's people.

Any good garden is filled with a variety of good things that grow. Therefore, this blog will be filled with a variety of topics and ideas that establish and build faith in Jesus Christ and hope in the human heart. This blog, this garden, is dedicated to every Ishmael that cries in the wilderness. For God still hears. And He has given us Living Water to revive our souls.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Are You Sick or Depressed?

Note: There are YouTube video-songs at the end of this blog entry, but you risk a diminished benefit from these videos if you don't first read this article.  I encourage you to watch them AFTER reading my post.  I'm not trying to manipulate you; I honestly believe that reading this first is most needed. Thanks.

Adversity is not always with us; I understand this, and I am grateful that it is so. But as every person shall find, sickness, sorrow, strife, and even depression will visit from time to time. It is on such occasions that I am comforted and encouraged by the words of Jesus when he said, “in this world you will have tribulation, but, take heart, I have overcome the world.”

The Holy Scripture clearly reveals that, as friends and followers of His Son, The Father bestows upon us the full inheritance of children of the King. Through the Blood of Jesus, we are grafted in to the divine family; we are Christ's brothers and sisters. Through the work of Jesus upon The Cross, and the justifying mercy of The Father, we share in the manifold blessings of heaven, even while residents of this earth. Our brother, Jesus, our Savior, Jesus, our friend, Jesus, our King, Jesus, holds the world in His hands. By the power of His great might, which is never, never outmatched, He upholds, protects, comforts, and consoles us. He encourages, heals, teaches, and corrects us; like the world, He holds us in His hands, for we are His, and He loves us. This is why He tells us to “take heart” when we face any kind of tribulation. Any tribulation that we face, He faces. Any sickness or sorrow, depression or other mountain of adversity, is trapped and destroyed by the power of his love for us. And though we shall be visited by the tribulations of personal adversity, we shall not be undone. Those that do not belong to the household of God will be undone, for they have not Jesus, but we shall not be undone. Through Jesus we will overcome the world.

Sometimes we just need to be reminded of this truth. And what better way to be reminded than through song? As a musician of more than 40 years, I understand and appreciate the value of music. Music is supernatural; I do not understand the mystery of its immense power, but I do recognize it. But even non-musicians recognize this power, for did one man not pen the words, “music hath notes to charm the savage breast” so very long ago?

In keeping with the spirit of providing you with the best that I can give, I offer you these songs, these hymns, to remind you of who you are and who He is, so that you shall be helped by these remembrances. Let these songs become your songs - your prayers. Own them; own and feel their words; let your heart and your soul be lifted up by the melodies. Allow the mystical experience of music to enrapture your entire being. If you do this then you will not only be helped in your time of tribulation, but you will grow as a Christian.

Click on each of the links, below. And may God's Presence manifest in you the reality and power of His Son, so that your tears and discouragement are passed, and you enter the sunshine of victory over darkness and despair, the land that belongs to you by the power of The Cross.

We shall have tribulation in this world, but take heart, dear friends, our leader has overcome this world, and we belong to Him. No evil will befall us. He holds us in His hands. Simply ask for His help, believe, do not doubt Him, and then rest in His promise. He never turns His back on His own. Encourage your heart and speak faith into it, through these songs and through your own open and honest prayers. That is all that you need do. He will undertake for you. He will bring down the mountains and lay them at your feet because He loves you! Now, crank up the volume!

8. Andy Griffith sings “...His heart is touched by my grief.” Powerful. Great voice & arrangement: