Ishmael Means "God Hears"

Ishmael was a young man when he and his mother became lost in the unforgiving wilderness and were dying of thirst. His mother couldn't bear to hear her son's pitiful groaning and watch him die, so she removed herself to a short distance away, probably hoping that she would die first. But an angel appeared, instructing the poor, hopeless woman not to be afraid and telling her, "God has heard the boy crying as he lies there." The angel then showed her a well and so she took water to her dying child. He soon revived and went on to fulfill the prophecy that he would be great among God's people.

Any good garden is filled with a variety of good things that grow. Therefore, this blog will be filled with a variety of topics and ideas that establish and build faith in Jesus Christ and hope in the human heart. This blog, this garden, is dedicated to every Ishmael that cries in the wilderness. For God still hears. And He has given us Living Water to revive our souls.

Monday, October 18, 2010

In Honor of Fred, my Friend

The song, linked below, proclaims this truth concerning the Christ Child, "...though the years have come and gone, He's waiting that same way. So come in from your hillside, and meet Him there today.  Meet Him at the manger..."

These powerful lyrics come from a Christmas cantata that my friend, Fred Serino, chose for our congregation's holiday program, back in the late 80s.  Fred was our choir director.  He asked me to perform the narration, and so I had the pleasure of joining the choir for about two months. My time with them concluded, after the performance of the cantata, but it was an experience I shall never forget.

I have remembered those fun times of rehearsals; the laughter and conversation; Fran and her wonderful piano accompaniment; the smiles on the faces, young and old; the camaraderie; the coffee and snacks; the joking around; the crisp, autumn evenings; the jitters of performance night; and Fred.

Fred was not only our choir director, he was our inspiration, our teacher, encourager and friend.  He set a high standard, though never displayed impatience with our mistakes.  He made us feel good about ourselves, made us all feel that we belonged and were important to him and to the whole program.  He smiled when we teased him, laughed when we messed up, gave us one-on-one time to help us work out a detail.  He made, for each of us, a treasured experience, one that, every Christmas time, I fondly recall with tears in my eyes.  I can never thank Fred enough for this wonderful memory, and I can never thank those folk enough for warmly welcoming me in to their fold for a time!

It's not the Christmas season yet, I know.  But it's always Christmas Day when you remember the gifts that God has given you.  And I was remembering Fred today.  So, Fred, if you are out there, this one's for you, the blog entry and the opening song from the cantata.  Thanks, Fred, for everything!!

Click on the link, below this line:

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